The Top Ten Trends (+1) in Board Governance

Oct 03, 2023
The Top Ten Trends (+1) in Board Governance


What top trends should you discuss with your Board? Which are critical to your effectiveness and relevance? Which are on track? When and how do you have these discussions?


This week we asked ChatGPT for some insights. Here is the synthesis from trolling the research, with slight editing for form and format.  And the correct citation follows!


But do you agree/ What trends do you see? How do you stay ahead of the curve?


1. Increased Emphasis on Transparency and Accountability:

Not-for-profits are under growing pressure to be transparent about their operations, financials, and decision-making processes. This includes making information accessible to stakeholders, donors, and the general public. Strong accountability mechanisms are essential for maintaining trust.


2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI):

Not-for-profits are recognizing the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion within their governance structures. Boards and leadership teams are working to ensure that their composition reflects the communities they serve, and that decision-making processes consider a variety of perspectives.


3. Technology and Data Governance:

Not-for-profits are leveraging technology for better governance practices, including data management, analytics, and communication. Implementing proper data governance strategies ensures the security and responsible use of data.


4. Governance Beyond Compliance:

While compliance with laws and regulations remains crucial, not-for-profits are shifting toward a more strategic and proactive approach to governance. Boards are focusing on aligning their activities with the organization's mission, strategic goals, and long-term sustainability.


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5. Board Composition and Skills:

Not-for-profits are placing greater emphasis on board composition. This involves recruiting board members with diverse skills and expertise that align with the organization's needs, such as financial management, legal expertise, marketing, and technology.


6. Adaptive Governance:

In rapidly changing environments, not-for-profits are adopting adaptive governance models. These models allow for more flexible decision-making and responsiveness to emerging challenges and opportunities.


7. Stakeholder Engagement:

Effective not-for-profits are engaging with a wide range of stakeholders, including beneficiaries, donors, volunteers, and community members. Engaging stakeholders in decision-making processes enhances transparency and ensures that the organization's activities remain aligned with their needs.


8. Risk Management:

As not-for-profits navigate complex challenges, risk management has become an integral part of governance. Identifying, assessing, and managing risks helps organizations avoid potential pitfalls and maintain their reputation.


9. Sustainability and Impact Measurement:

Not-for-profits are increasingly focused on measuring and communicating their impact. Clear metrics and reporting mechanisms help demonstrate the organization's effectiveness to donors, supporters, and the public.


10. Leadership Development:

Investing in leadership development for board members and executives is gaining importance. Strong leaders who understand the not-for-profit sector's unique challenges can drive positive change and growth.


11. Collaboration and Partnerships:

Collaborative governance models, where not-for-profits work together with other organizations, government agencies, and private entities, are becoming more common. These partnerships can leverage resources and expertise to achieve shared goals.


Remember that the trends in not-for-profit governance may evolve over time based on external factors, such as changes in regulations, societal expectations, and technological advancements. To stay current, consider consulting industry reports, attending relevant conferences, and networking with professionals in the not-for-profit sector.




OpenAI. (2023, August 14). [ChatGPT's response to a prompt about trends in not-for-profit board governance]. Accessed 2023, August 14.



What are your main “pain points” dealing with governnance?

What advice would be most helpful to you?
And we always assume that you are asking for a friend!


Get in touch. We’ll address your questions and concerns in an upcoming blog post.




Stay Ahead of the Curve

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